Cookie A is on her way! My fantastic daughter dragged her father into Hatchards on Picadilly to get her for me - oh the hardship. We were looking at waterstones web site earlier on in the week and saw that the aformentioned shop had the book as nowhere local seemed to have it and as Lottie was going to London anyway she said I will ask if we can go there and get it. At this point I should mention that there was probably no dragging required because as a family (even a broken apart family) we all love books so it was probably just another chance to go and buy more anyway. Hopefully not too many more as there are some quite steep stairs at the station and I only just managed to get the wheely case down them on Thursday - let alone get it back up again today! So there will be double excitement when I go to collect her this afternoon.
Plus must try for posh sale later (Allison maybe dinner could be 7.30 as all the good stuff would be gone by then anyway - even 7.15 would do it or perhaps you should start earlier, it often seems to fall wrong for me too!).
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
As you have seen I bought 3 bats from posh yarn a few weeks ago, and I was checking out this weeks sale (as you know it is major stash enhancement time as I have some catching up to do) and the announcement in the blog is that this week is the last ever bats so I need to make sure I stock up. Actually I have tried to get several along the way but the ones I like always sell first and it seems I have not been quick enough. So I have my eye on some but last time I bought some I then missed out on the yarn I wanted - get yarn or bats first? hmm. Well it has to be the bats doesn't it as they won't be available again and there will be another yarn sale again next week. But I really like some of the lace weight (it is lace knitting time again isn't it) so I will just have to try and be quick and go for both. Looks like it could be beans on toast for a very long time!
Thursday, 28 May 2009
I have been keeping up with your blogs girls and I know that some of you have teenage kids - mine is 14 nearly 15 and maybe its because she is an only one or maybe its because she is too much like me but she has really started to get into knitting! We went out on Tuesday to get some things before the dog got back and we couldn't leave him for too long and landed up firstly in Aberkahn in Hanley where I did buy 3 bags of 'fancy yarn' and a large ball of chunky (yes I know that is 31 balls of stash enhancement) but I am knitting a rug on huge 'rocket launcher needles' (as Lottie calls them) - does it count as stash enhancement if you cast on right away?
After that we started to head for home and Lottie said do you want to go to the wool shop in Wolstanton (knowing I did really) as she knows they have fab sock yarn so off we went. Well I couldn't resist some Regia in the easter colourway and another skein of Araucania Ranco. But Lottie bought a whole bag of Rowan all seasons cotton that was on sale (she thought she wanted to do scarves with it but might be persuaded to try something bigger if I can find a pattern she likes). How surprised was I when she said ooh can I get this with my babysitting money? I suppose it helps that her Senior section guide unit all think it is cool to knit as I got them started in September on the Innocent hats project - small enough to finish but fun to do. We shall see if it continues but it is nice to have someone to help lead me astray in the shopping department.
Has the box arrived yet anyone? Keep us posted!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
My baby is home!
PS Happy holiday Beejay - don't think you will be bored;)
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Its been a while since I actually said what I am knitting so thought I would confess my lastest startitis and other on going projects! So I already have on the needles : a coinlace clapotis (started last year but sadly abandoned for no reason other than the straight needles were in trouble for poking him indoors whilst I was working on it), a plain clop (clapotis without the dropped stitches) for Lottie - started after the Feb half term and almost finished but had to go back and loose some rows of the body as I didn't quite have enough yarn! And 4 sets of socks!
set 1 is the maine island socks I started a couple of years ago but the foot came out too large and I have had to undo it and knit the foot part on smaller needles so put that one down.
set 2 is the circle sock in regia red stripes - I love the pattern but don't like the colour of the wool and I am also doing the magic loop method and I still have a love / hate relationship with that.
set 3 is the baby beanstalk and I am on the second sock foot part - no real reason to put this one down except that I had an attack of startitis and some yarn I bought at the aintree show a few weeks ago was calling to me.
so set 4 was cast on in a fit of distraction on Wednesday. I am going to blame him indoors for going to the office and staying overnight (it is a long way to Egham and back) and I was feeling fed up so I did my usual trick of ball winding and then just having to cast it on. I have never done monkey socks before (anyone out there done them) but Cookie A has a new book out and I would really love it so I thought if I tried this pattern I could determine if I was up to the job or not. So far I have done the rib (I made it a bit longer than she said as I like a good top to the sock) and have done 2 full pattern reps and am 1/2 way through the third. What do you think?
I did put it down last night because I can't knit a pattern (unless it is really simple) once I get to the second glass of wine! Thought I would wish you all a happy bank holiday weekend and for those of us on half term - lots of time to knit!
Friday, 22 May 2009
Just a quickie!
Hi all,
Just wanted to post a bit about the dog in case you were wondering. Unfortunately he hasn't started to eat yet and so the vet put a feeding tube in yesterday - he should get his first bits of food today! Am going to check up again later and see where he is up to. More later.....
Just wanted to post a bit about the dog in case you were wondering. Unfortunately he hasn't started to eat yet and so the vet put a feeding tube in yesterday - he should get his first bits of food today! Am going to check up again later and see where he is up to. More later.....
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Fingers crossed for a full recovery!
The vet has just rung to say he has finished surgery and all seems to have gone well. Just wanted to share that with you as I am more than a little happy! Am optimistic for a good outcome but am still aware of the possible problems. Will let you know more when I have news.
Today's the day!
Thank you to all who have sent me kind wishes and thoughts today! So in the true art of distraction I have scrubbed the kitchen rug and the patio. I have hoovered (nearly) all of the dog hairs up from the kitchen - those who have ever had a Labrador will know what I mean! I have eaten half a family size (extra, extra large) bag of Maltesers - sorry Lottie I know you had your eye on those. I have made goodness knows how many cups of tea and coffee (him indoors is working in his office upstairs today) and I plan to actually hoover the stairs! Yes the stairs! The job guaranteed to upset my back but at least I will feel useful. Any thoughts on other really rubbish jobs I can do today? Ooh maybe I should clean the dining room - or is that a step too far?
I have also taken the photo below to show you the spinning that I have been up to. The finished yarn is the first 'proper' wool that I have spun (I have practised a lot though) but need to practice more. The pink / red bat is a work in progress and I have spun about 40% of that bat. The green is still to do. Will report more later the kettle is calling again!
I have also taken the photo below to show you the spinning that I have been up to. The finished yarn is the first 'proper' wool that I have spun (I have practised a lot though) but need to practice more. The pink / red bat is a work in progress and I have spun about 40% of that bat. The green is still to do. Will report more later the kettle is calling again!
Monday, 18 May 2009
Bats and Boxes!
I am sorry I didn't manage to get the pictures of my bats up last week (they arrived on Wednesday) and I started spinning straight away. The reason being that this allowed me to be in the kitchen with the dog, keeping an eye on him without me just sitting watching him. He seemed to enjoy this and several times he came and sat with his head on my knee. So I have finished spinning and plying one bat and have just begun on the second. I will need more practice to get the lace weight and sock yarns that I would like to spin but I have enjoyed just trying at the moment - plus it doesn't require much thought so that is good for me at the moment.
So tomorrow is the big day and doggie goes for his heart surgery - if it works then he will be away for several days. Thought I would put up a couple of pics that we took over the weekend just as a record of him.
In case you were wondering we are starting a new box swap - it was the first swap that prompted me to start this blog in the first place and as a result found some lovely people who also happen to enjoy knitting.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Happy and Sad!
Hey there! If you wondered where I was well I have been sitting on the edge of a cliff (metaphorically speaking). My poor doggie is sick and will most likely need heart surgery to fix him. This should make him completely better but we are waiting for the surgeon to come back from his holidays - hope to hear today. It has been a horrible 2 weeks watching him constantly. Am hoping this week is a beter week.
On a brighter note I managed to get not 1 or 2 but 3 bats of posh fiber last night and am quite excited! Hope it arrives soon. Doggie and I like spinning he is quite happy to be near me just sleeping or watching my wheel go round so it should give me an excuse to sit outside with him! I am sorry that you thought I was trying to out do you Allison I have had my wheel for years now - I had it for ages and it was missing some vital parts (I bought it in an auction) and then I found a local lady who showed me how to use it and had the extra stuff that I needed to get going.
The wheel was played with for a summer and then I got fed up with the carding of the fleece as it was a bit messy to do inside and it went back into the garage until you got me excited about spinning again. I am hoping the the posh bats are alot less messy and I can enjoy doing it again. And yes I did get over excited and buy too many bats but they are so lovely! I am not very good with a drop spindle as I try to spin too fine and it breaks and drops the spindle and then I get cross with it! I can't wait to see the yarn come out from all of our efforts.
Bat pictures as soon as they arrive - I promise in the mean time hope all is well for you!
On a brighter note I managed to get not 1 or 2 but 3 bats of posh fiber last night and am quite excited! Hope it arrives soon. Doggie and I like spinning he is quite happy to be near me just sleeping or watching my wheel go round so it should give me an excuse to sit outside with him! I am sorry that you thought I was trying to out do you Allison I have had my wheel for years now - I had it for ages and it was missing some vital parts (I bought it in an auction) and then I found a local lady who showed me how to use it and had the extra stuff that I needed to get going.
The wheel was played with for a summer and then I got fed up with the carding of the fleece as it was a bit messy to do inside and it went back into the garage until you got me excited about spinning again. I am hoping the the posh bats are alot less messy and I can enjoy doing it again. And yes I did get over excited and buy too many bats but they are so lovely! I am not very good with a drop spindle as I try to spin too fine and it breaks and drops the spindle and then I get cross with it! I can't wait to see the yarn come out from all of our efforts.
Bat pictures as soon as they arrive - I promise in the mean time hope all is well for you!
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