On Thursday my Embroiderers' Guild had a workshop with Dot Waring to make dolls (they are more art that play if you see what I mean) and this is mine as far as today! When I got home there was still much left to do and I have been slowly finishing her off but I wanted to let you see her as I will be working 2 full days on Monday and Tuesday so probably won't have time to show you then!
I still have lots more hair to add and clothes to make but she has been great fun to do - I was thinking that I might knit her some stockings as her toes are not too pretty, I will need more practise to get better at these but I think I would like to make more any way as there is so much you can do to them. I wish I had more hours in the day - this work thing does get in the way a bit and the housework has been in sad decline (and yes I am in trouble for that!). I will put up more pics once she has a bit more decency - hope you enjoy her!