Tuesday, 27 April 2010
But also I need to fess up to a bout of startitis (I know I didn't NEED any more project but I wanted them), I loved the nutkin socks that Allison is doing and whilst in Chester on Sunday I found a new wool shop in the Rows (RKM wools) and they had lots of lovely sock yarn so of course some had to come home with us plus 2 skeins of Debbie Bliss pure silk. So I have cast on the socks and a shawl with some lovely NDS baby alpaca, cashmere and silk - so soft to knit with!
The other good news is that finally we hope to get a couple of days over in Norfolk, we decided to give the car a long running in stint and go over for the Bank holiday weekend, I have missed my favourite place so much so fingers crossed that old 'Bessie' makes it there and back!
Hopefully some pictures of 'finished socks' soon!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Knitting & Crochet
These are my Polly Jean sock-a-longs, progress was slowed by the heel as I decided to do each one on dpns and then put them back on the circs as I hadn't done 2 heels at once and was worried I might have messed it up but was then cross with myself for wimping out so picked up my crochet for a while. Luckily I saw the finished pair over on 'the stash basket' and decided I needed to finish these so I have picked them back up again. I have until the end of the month to finish them so all should be OK!
I have been keeping a little something from you though and that is the fact that I have secretly become addicted to crochet - it began at Christmas when I bought the kit for Barbara and tried out the pattern to see if I could do it! Then I made 'the scarf that I forgot to photograph' and also joined the CAL with the natural dye studio on Ravelry. I have made quite a few of the March motifs but then the April daisy one came along....... One flower
Quickly became quite a few......
And another scarf / shawl was begun!
I have also done some more of the Tilia for Lottie's prom but that has been fairly slow as it does take a while still to do a row so I only pick that up if I know I will have a few uninterrupted minutes! I have also started to sand down the garden furniture for staining as I am feeling the need to sit out and spin - I don't know why but I prefer to spin in the summer and sitting out with the dog seems to work particularly well for me (I did loads last year while I was keeping my eye on him) and am ready to drag the wheel out of the corner and get going again especially as I have that lovely orange fiber to get going with!
I am loving the extended day light and this next week 'him in doors' is actually going away for a night - he was away so much last year and then we had the job change which meant after the fortnight in the USA there was not much need for him to go out and about he was based totally at home and that was great too, but for just one evening it will just be Lottie and I so hopefully it will be a sunny one and we can enjoy it. Although I expect there will be plenty of revision going on as well - Lottie has been so good about doing it and hopefully the hard work will show in the end! Fingers crossed for all of those doing exams this year!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Turkey and Goat!
So what brought me to that little rant, it wasn't actually meant to be a rant but I wanted to share with you about our turkey and also as Allison said she had goat for Easter I wanted to say about our goat experience - we had some goat mince from our friends mentioned above and I made what I called 'Hillside pie' which was basically Shepard's pie made with the goat mince which turned out to be mega low fat and extremely tasty. My lot always enjoy it when I make a Shepard's or cottage pie and hillside was no exception - very tasty. I did also do some goat chops on another day and they turned out to be a bit more chewy and not as fun but I am not a chop fan in any sort of meat really!
Also worthy of note this week the car did make it home on Friday and we need to take it out and drive it carefully for a few hundred miles in order to 'run it in', am I pleased to see the beast back? No not really as when I had a close look at it in the drive she has come home very battered and worse for wear, there are chips and scratches on 3 out of 4 corners and the poor tail gate has some nasty damage too so in short I am totally gutted and sad.
So back to the real world - Allison please tell us your holiday tales, I would love to hear about the hot weather and fabulous cocktails and also it is fine to email Barbara the bead pattern. I have more I can email to anyone who wants them - I should post some pics for you all to choose!
I hope all went well for you Barbara and that driving was OK.
How were the hols Claire did you survive too?
Back soon with more of my odd life and maybe some actually knitting!
Monday, 5 April 2010
Easter Greetings
I wish that I could say I am writing this from the wild and windswept beaches of Norfolk but no I am still here in daffodil blooming Cheshire! Still no final end to the car saga after the garage found that it also needed a new radiator as the screw thread had broken on the original one and so all would not be ready by Easter despite me arriving on the doorstep twice weekly for the last 3 weeks! You would think that would have been an indication of how desperate I was to go away - but clearly unless I was prepared to weep and wail or shout loudly (neither of which I was prepared to lower myself to do), my pain was not obvious enough!
Even my plans to watch my favourite 'Jonathan Creek' were thwarted by a game of Monopoly (Cheshire and Chester edition I might add). It went on for so long that I had to abandon my empire to go and sort out some dinner and as the others were fairly broke I am sure that it could have been me who won but they counted up without me so I will never really know!
So today is Easter Monday and the only plan I have is to cook my lovely free range turkey that I have watched run around Danny's garden for the last few months. I know it should have been yesterday but as I said all plans went out of the window due to the blasted monopoly and Jonathan Creek fiasco. Fingers crossed for a planless plan!