Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Christmas seemed to be a blur - where did that few days go? I opened my secret Santa box the day it arrived although some of it was in a car at the petrol station (yes I was excited!) and some when we got home. I didn't take pics cos I was embarrassed by my excitement but I packed it all back up for taking photos. Then the black hole that is family time closed in and I find myself in Norfolk for the New year - the box is still full of the amazing gifts I received but on my sofa and not here with me. Thank you Barbara - I promise to honour my box as soon as I am 'home'. It is deserved and I am so happy to have you girls as my friends.
New year approaches and exciting projects loom - I want so much to take this chance to wish you all a fantastic 2011.
2010 I thought should have been my year for no other reason than the number looked good and solid but that turned out to be a crock of crud so hears to 2011 - I am not so keen on the number but hey everything else could be wild. I will be back with news of my in car knitting and maybe a couple of new ventures to send you to sleep.
Happy New Year and very best wishes to you all! Much love, S xxx
Monday, 20 December 2010
It is so cold here that our pipes froze over night - I sorted them out at 7am with the hair dryer. My neighbours are away and so I checked on theirs and the water softener burst as they thawed - turned off the water and am awaiting a plumber!
I have finished my corseted mittens but you have no hope of a pic as I am wearing them and am not taking them off!
I hope you are all keeping warm and safe - back again soon once I am warmer!
Friday, 17 December 2010
Still not done!
On the other hand I still have a tree to decorate and presents and food to buy. Finally it is my last bead class of the year today but I don't suppose they will actually get much of the samplers done as I think it will be about chatting and swapping xmas bits.
I have done quite a bit of on line shopping this year as I haven't been able to get some things in the shops - I hope it all arrives safely. More soon.........
Monday, 13 December 2010
Xmas is still not coming!
Last week was fun - the car was taken away finally by Green flag, the washing machine died on me and then was replaced and I actually managed to start my Christmas shopping. I now have a fixed and returned car (Dave's car not mine) and a shiny new washing machine plus a fairly tidy garage (that is where it lives along with the mice). I also have that slightly strange feeling of having started the xmas shopping but not finished it and wondering what else I need to get to fulfill those extra spaces!
Anyone else in the same boat or are you all done and dusted on the xmas front?
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Trunk Show and Tell!
So all that took my entire budget - like I mentioned I thought it seemed quite large enough but clearly it was not! A fab time was had and to complete the day Dave and I managed to find some new wall lights for the lounge (something we had been looking for a long time). I hope that NDS will come back to a yarn shop near me again as it is so nice to be able to feel the yarn as well. Hope you all had a warm and woolly weekend although I suspect most of you had more snow than we did!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Sweet Jazz!
attention at all and the edge was a very easy lace pattern - all in all it is my favourite at the moment. It is helped by the fact that the yarn is so soft and snuggly.
I am hoping to buy more yarn this weekend to make another (I am smiling nicely at you mr indoors!). It isn't that I don't have yarn, just not enough of one sort - it took over a skein to do and I am not sure it would look right if you made it any smaller. More soon, S xx
Friday, 19 November 2010
Friday again!
Hoping for better weather next week so I can take pics of my knitting - have a nice weekend all!
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
The trouble with cars!
Yesterday was log day - 4 cubic meters to be exact delivered to our drive. Not usually a problem (this year we ordered double as we ran out last year) - hard work yes but problem no. Except that Dave's car was in the way of the garage doors and I store the logs stacked on pallets in the garage. But, and here it was - the battery has somehow gone flat on the car, being an automatic you can't push it and being such a big car I didn't want to ruin the small battery on my tiny smart car. The only solution was to have the logs tipped on the other side of the drive and move them from there. Hmm needless to say I got a full work out and some sore muscles this morning. I did however manage to cast off the scarf I was knitting and cast on for the lovely Amore shawl yesterday so will post pics tomorrow. Am off to light the fire with some of my new and now dry logs (I forgot to mention that it spent all afternoon raining as well). Hopefully will fix the car later in the week - who said being at home was easy?
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Socktober, sockvember!
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Catching up
Grrr - just lost the rest of the post!
So the long and the short of it is - no other knitting has been done and I am off to the sea side for half term. When I get back I hope to be full of energy and feeling much better. More soon!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Yarn clubs
Please enlighten me to any you have joined and if you thought they were good or not so I can do better next time!
I thought about joining the Debbie Abraham's blanket club but I know several people who were disappointed this year (at the cost of it I don't want to be disappointed) although the club does seem to be reliable. Any other thoughts on this girls?
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Week 2
I have also done a little bit more to the bobble socks (yes it was your pattern Allison) but put them back down once the new clue arrived for this week. I have also had to quickly knit a little cosy for Lottie's new phone as obviously it needed one to keep warm in this weather!
Yesterday I made 3 batches of stewed apple as it seems to be the time of year that the apples keep arriving in bags and then something has to be done with them - it was actually quite nice to be peeling and chopping away in the kitchen for a few hours. I need some red current jelly and then I can make lovely onion marmalade as well.
Hope to have more pics for you tomorrow........
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Week 1
I don't think it is as good as the first but at this point I am not unpicking again unless it is horrid once it is at the same point as the other (I am sure it will be fine). I hope it will be finished tonight and ready for clue no 2 on Friday.
I also picked up my bobble socks as I was finished with the first one but had the foot and cuff to do on the second,you can't actually see but I am just past the extra yarn for the heel now and almost onto the bobbles
These have been on the needles since last year I think but I don't remember why I put them down - some thing else probably came along instead. Talking of sock patterns I have to admit that I like to try different ones out. I have a 'vanilla' pattern that I usually use for wellie socks but I enjoy doing different ones for my every day socks and walking shoe socks - you see wellie socks need to be long and hold in your trousers so a simple rib seems to be best but walking shoes and every day shoes can take something a bit more fancy - I think! More on socks soon, am off to make yet another drink - why is it that I drink so much when I have a cold?
Monday, 4 October 2010
Socktober Fest!
That said I have a mountain of work to catch up on - starting with the freezer to defrost (am supposed to be doing it right now)!
I did however decide to take part in socktober fest this year as it looks like fun - I have sock 1 top done and am casting on sock 2 later on. Also I figured it may help me finish off a few other pairs that have been hanging around for a while. I started the first sock on dpn's but will cast the other on the circ - I am hoping that I will be able to put them both together once the tops are done.
Before I dash off to mop up 'the big thaw' please don't assume I am sitting here just knitting away whilst you guys all work hard - I have already made countless mugs of tea for 'him indoors' and it will continue all afternoon as well, plus done piles of washing and tidying up. It is going to take forever to get straight and find homes for all of the stuff that has to exit the rooms needing work! Take heed - staying at home is not all fun you know!
Friday, 1 October 2010
The fat lady is singing!
The weather here today is foul so it must have been the singing. There could be more singing tonight so apologies if you have a wet weekend!
Monday brings new leaves and more blogging so kept your eyes open for my projects. In the mean time thanks for sticking by me and keeping me sane.
Monday, 27 September 2010
I am a bad girl!
Last night just before I went to bed I needed to check my email and just happened to take a look at the posh sale - now I thought it would be ok as it was 10.30pm and usually all the stuff I would pick has gone by then but no!!!!! There was some lace AND some sock in my favourite colours and it seemed to be calling me - oops - nuff said I think!
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Only a few more days to go!
Firstly last week was the end of my 6 years on the Embroiderers' Guild committee - the last 2 years of which I have been chairman! These last 2 years have been extremely hard work and the meeting last week was no exception!
Secondly as you know I am working my notice out at my 'part time' job and again this is hard going at the moment. The problem with working for a very small company is that there is no one else to carry the burden of a busy period and then couple that with an over emotional boss who has the royal hump you are leaving and it is no wonder I feel emotionally drained and shattered every night! I have lots of exciting stuff to show and tell and promise to get around to it very soon. Knitting is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment - although him in doors is complaining about me doing it at the moment so even that is causing problems!
October is nearly here and with the falling of the leaves should bring the turning over of a new leaf for me. I will be tidy and keep up with my jobs in the house, I will be there to sort out the man to finish the garden and I will supervise the topsy turvy of new bathrooms and get the lounge painted. I will stay sane and I will keep knitting no matter what - it is a physical impossibility to sit still at night and watch the TV without something in my hands to do and if that is not good enough then heaven help me! Oh and just as importantly I will keep blogging even if I bore you to tears and you stop reading.
You had better remind me of this when I start to flag around January! S xx
Monday, 13 September 2010
I am not sad!
I would love a trip to Chester Barbara and a chance to meet at last - if wool also falls into the trip as well then it couldn't be better! Sorry I won't be able to make up for the lack of holiday but hopefully it will be a nice outing.
I hope all is ok with you all and everyone is settling back into the September routine. For my part I have had a huge attack of Startitus and will show you some of it very soon. Only a few more weeks to go and I should have the extra time to take proper pictures (and actually remove some from the camera SD card - it is full).
While I am here is anyone thinking it is about time we planned a swap or christmas box idea?
See you can tell I am feeling better already! Sxx
Friday, 10 September 2010
That's it I quit!
I have tried to write this post now a few times and deleted it again so I will leave it at that for now! I am looking forward to getting life back under control again soon!
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Lottie and I went 'college shopping' on Tuesday in Chester and so we had to visit 'Stash'! I have to admit we did sneak a visit in on her Birthday this year and bought some wool for a hat that she wanted me to knit but although it said one skein it ran out 3 rows before the end! We now have another to finish it and make some matching mittens with! Also sneaking into the bag were some 50p bargains and some more lace weight to make 'Volt' with.
Time has gone so fast recently and I am at a loss to know where it went - I have been promising pictures and failed but hopefully next week will give me a bit more time to play!
Lottie is starting 6th form in the brand new building at her school tomorrow where she is going to be studying A level Maths, Physics, English Lit and Graphic design. Good luck to all of you starting new career paths this week and I hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Exam results!
I know the exams have been a hard time for everyone and I hope that moving forward all of the kids will find whatever it is that is the right future for them. Good luck kids you all have the world at your feet. Take care Mums as you will be the support for them come what may!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Still breathing!
Good luck to all of you who are getting results this next week - I am sure all will be fine in the end!
More knitting soon I hope!
Monday, 2 August 2010
Home again!
The weather in Norfolk was great, not too windy except for when we were on the beach - it is always a bit windier down there but we did have lots of very calm days as well as it being hot. I have lots of washing to get on with now but the sky here has just got cloudy so I will put it on and see how it goes.
Am off to drop Lottie off at a friends house and have to go to work later (boo hoo). Although I did take both the Tilia shawls with me and I intended to take photos I will have to do that now we are back, I was far too busy enjoying myself - sorry!
More on my knitting later......
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Post card from Norfolk
This is us back at our favourite beach at Brancaster having a game of boules! Not much of a picture I know but I am not the worlds best a taking the camera with me (it is a bit big so doesn't fit into your pocket!). On our way back from the beach we stopped in Salthouse to find these cuties who want to peck at our feet -
There has been some knitting done - a bit on my Hesperia shawl, a bit on my nutkin sock and some of my giant skein jumper but nothing significant I am afraid - too much sun and fun for knitting. Hopefully I will manage some better pics before we go home!
Love from Norfolk - Sx
Friday, 16 July 2010
Hope all is well with you all?
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Prom Night
Ah so grown up - but we still need a lift! I was happy to oblige I just hope they have a lovely evening.
1st July!
All I can say is that I hope the prom goes as well as the shawl knitting did!
More later..........................................................
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Flying past!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Another week
I have finally used my new lace blocking wires and blocked 'Cindarella' - they are so easy to use and Hulu gave a great service. I bought the deluxe set on Allisons recommendation and I think it was worth the extra - I could if I wanted actually block several shawls at once or a humongous one!
So back to the new shawl again now or I won't get it finished - all I can say is the football came at just the right time (I don't like watching at all but can get away with knitting without looking whilst 'him in doors' has a watch).
Hope all is well with you all - not heard from a couple of you in a while so come on girls tell us where you have been. xxx S
Friday, 11 June 2010
Just quickly!
I have been away from blog land for a bit - too mad busy to do anything. Firstly it was the exhibition and then half term - I had to do extra hours to cover holidays etc and then I had a day off to take Lottie prom dress shopping. Then it was back to school (make that just for exams with extra running about to cover in between) plus more extra hours and a bout of tonsillitis and finally yesterday Embroiderers guild had a trip to Bradford to Bombay stores and Texere yarns! I can truly say I have been too busy!
So a quick catch up on events then - our exhibition had 440 visitors over the 3 day weekend!
We got a prom dress - very pretty but not anything that went with the Tilia shawl sadly so Cindarella (the yarn name) will not be going to the ball. I ordered some fresh yarn from NDS instead in a very pretty gold colour and cast that on last weekend as well - I have a deadline to work to now!
This week has been a busy exam week and Monday saw a very red and sore throat - loads of gargling with disparable aspirin did the trick along with some rest and Lottie managed to see it off - Maths and Graphic products exams today!
Yesterday saw me running around at 6.30 am to get everything ready for our trip to Bradford. It was a great day and I bought lots of lovely things - more on that later.
Now I have to dash and get Lottie out of the door - roll on Saturday is all I can say!
Thursday, 27 May 2010
May Mayhem!
Monday, 24 May 2010
Feeling hot hot hot!
The dog and I have boiled this weekend - no walks for him incase it is too much and some walks for me as him indoors needed to stretch his legs after sitting at a desk all week.
This week has been a bit mad we had an embroiderers guild meeting followed by a committee meeting and then I had to go straight to work that day. Plus all the final prep for the exhibition next weekend.
In spite of all that I still managed to cast off Tilia - need payday before I can buy blocking wires to finish it properly but I have until July 1st to do that. Lottie doesn't actually finish at school until they break up this week and then she will have exams fairly solidly after that. Her Prom is the 1st of July as I mentioned and we still have a dress to get for that.
Good Luck to all of the boys and girls doing GCSE's currently!
Must dash I still have my exhibition items to finish and a mad week to get through! Roll on June is all I can say!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Not knitting enough!
I haven't done much knitting or crochet this week and it is missing me - I know it is 'cause it says so!
I think that it could be time for the men in white to come and get me before it is too late or perhaps it would be simpler to just go and make some lunch and that will make me feel much better! Either way I am still here plodding along, ticking things off my huge 'to do list' and wondering when May will end and June will become hopefully nicer!
If the white coated men don't come then I will be back again with more May madness soon!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Blink and I missed it!
Saturday was glorious and we walked along the beach in crocs and shorts - we did need jumpers as well and the sea was very cold!
Sunday was cloudy to begin with but as with all coastal weather they soon blew away and the sun came out - it was alot colder though so out came the jeans and walking shoes and we had a rather long hike across the cliff tops and then back along the top of the beach.
Monday was mega windy and took your breath away but we still managed quite a good walk before packing up and coming home. Again we had radio 2 on and the reports were nearly as bad as Friday but we had very little traffic and got back in just under 5 hours - it would seems the East to West routes were not popular for this weekend and I like it that way!
As for knitting well I did do some on both of the long journeys - it was just very plain though. I had packed the polly jeans and Tilia and a little bit was done on each but nothing was finished or great progress made. I did feel that for the first time in ages though I stopped holding my breath - you know that feeling when you just let out a big sigh and it all feels better - that is what sea air does to me and I had missed it.
Now we are back the full extent of my May commitments is hitting me and I fear that the polly jean socks might not get finished in time to do the May sock along so I have decided that much as I would love to do the May socks I am going to plod on with polly jean and the rest of my projects and just get through May as best I can. The reason for my panic is that the Embroiderers' Guild are putting on an exhibition as part of the Arts and Music Festival here in our village at the end of May and as such I still have my 2 entries to finish and the actual thing to put up as well, plus Lottie's exams are on the way etc etc.
So initial panic over I am off to catch up on some washing and tidying up - hmm think I must have something wrong with me!
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
But also I need to fess up to a bout of startitis (I know I didn't NEED any more project but I wanted them), I loved the nutkin socks that Allison is doing and whilst in Chester on Sunday I found a new wool shop in the Rows (RKM wools) and they had lots of lovely sock yarn so of course some had to come home with us plus 2 skeins of Debbie Bliss pure silk. So I have cast on the socks and a shawl with some lovely NDS baby alpaca, cashmere and silk - so soft to knit with!
The other good news is that finally we hope to get a couple of days over in Norfolk, we decided to give the car a long running in stint and go over for the Bank holiday weekend, I have missed my favourite place so much so fingers crossed that old 'Bessie' makes it there and back!
Hopefully some pictures of 'finished socks' soon!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Knitting & Crochet
These are my Polly Jean sock-a-longs, progress was slowed by the heel as I decided to do each one on dpns and then put them back on the circs as I hadn't done 2 heels at once and was worried I might have messed it up but was then cross with myself for wimping out so picked up my crochet for a while. Luckily I saw the finished pair over on 'the stash basket' and decided I needed to finish these so I have picked them back up again. I have until the end of the month to finish them so all should be OK!
I have been keeping a little something from you though and that is the fact that I have secretly become addicted to crochet - it began at Christmas when I bought the kit for Barbara and tried out the pattern to see if I could do it! Then I made 'the scarf that I forgot to photograph' and also joined the CAL with the natural dye studio on Ravelry. I have made quite a few of the March motifs but then the April daisy one came along....... One flower
Quickly became quite a few......
And another scarf / shawl was begun!
I have also done some more of the Tilia for Lottie's prom but that has been fairly slow as it does take a while still to do a row so I only pick that up if I know I will have a few uninterrupted minutes! I have also started to sand down the garden furniture for staining as I am feeling the need to sit out and spin - I don't know why but I prefer to spin in the summer and sitting out with the dog seems to work particularly well for me (I did loads last year while I was keeping my eye on him) and am ready to drag the wheel out of the corner and get going again especially as I have that lovely orange fiber to get going with!
I am loving the extended day light and this next week 'him in doors' is actually going away for a night - he was away so much last year and then we had the job change which meant after the fortnight in the USA there was not much need for him to go out and about he was based totally at home and that was great too, but for just one evening it will just be Lottie and I so hopefully it will be a sunny one and we can enjoy it. Although I expect there will be plenty of revision going on as well - Lottie has been so good about doing it and hopefully the hard work will show in the end! Fingers crossed for all of those doing exams this year!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Turkey and Goat!
So what brought me to that little rant, it wasn't actually meant to be a rant but I wanted to share with you about our turkey and also as Allison said she had goat for Easter I wanted to say about our goat experience - we had some goat mince from our friends mentioned above and I made what I called 'Hillside pie' which was basically Shepard's pie made with the goat mince which turned out to be mega low fat and extremely tasty. My lot always enjoy it when I make a Shepard's or cottage pie and hillside was no exception - very tasty. I did also do some goat chops on another day and they turned out to be a bit more chewy and not as fun but I am not a chop fan in any sort of meat really!
Also worthy of note this week the car did make it home on Friday and we need to take it out and drive it carefully for a few hundred miles in order to 'run it in', am I pleased to see the beast back? No not really as when I had a close look at it in the drive she has come home very battered and worse for wear, there are chips and scratches on 3 out of 4 corners and the poor tail gate has some nasty damage too so in short I am totally gutted and sad.
So back to the real world - Allison please tell us your holiday tales, I would love to hear about the hot weather and fabulous cocktails and also it is fine to email Barbara the bead pattern. I have more I can email to anyone who wants them - I should post some pics for you all to choose!
I hope all went well for you Barbara and that driving was OK.
How were the hols Claire did you survive too?
Back soon with more of my odd life and maybe some actually knitting!
Monday, 5 April 2010
Easter Greetings
I wish that I could say I am writing this from the wild and windswept beaches of Norfolk but no I am still here in daffodil blooming Cheshire! Still no final end to the car saga after the garage found that it also needed a new radiator as the screw thread had broken on the original one and so all would not be ready by Easter despite me arriving on the doorstep twice weekly for the last 3 weeks! You would think that would have been an indication of how desperate I was to go away - but clearly unless I was prepared to weep and wail or shout loudly (neither of which I was prepared to lower myself to do), my pain was not obvious enough!
Even my plans to watch my favourite 'Jonathan Creek' were thwarted by a game of Monopoly (Cheshire and Chester edition I might add). It went on for so long that I had to abandon my empire to go and sort out some dinner and as the others were fairly broke I am sure that it could have been me who won but they counted up without me so I will never really know!
So today is Easter Monday and the only plan I have is to cook my lovely free range turkey that I have watched run around Danny's garden for the last few months. I know it should have been yesterday but as I said all plans went out of the window due to the blasted monopoly and Jonathan Creek fiasco. Fingers crossed for a planless plan!
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Hello Dolly!
On Thursday my Embroiderers' Guild had a workshop with Dot Waring to make dolls (they are more art that play if you see what I mean) and this is mine as far as today! When I got home there was still much left to do and I have been slowly finishing her off but I wanted to let you see her as I will be working 2 full days on Monday and Tuesday so probably won't have time to show you then!
I still have lots more hair to add and clothes to make but she has been great fun to do - I was thinking that I might knit her some stockings as her toes are not too pretty, I will need more practise to get better at these but I think I would like to make more any way as there is so much you can do to them. I wish I had more hours in the day - this work thing does get in the way a bit and the housework has been in sad decline (and yes I am in trouble for that!). I will put up more pics once she has a bit more decency - hope you enjoy her!
Monday, 22 March 2010
Size 6's
I have been rather quiet on the subject of the car as I am more than a little fed up with the whole thing, eventually (2 weeks ago) we bought a new block but it is taking far too long to fit - hence the trips to the garage to check they are actually doing the work and not just faffing around. I have said I would like it back this Friday so that we can at least give it an outing before we try and take it to Norfolk for Easter but at this point I am not holding my breath. I am so fed up as we have now missed New year and half term trips away and I don't want to do the same for Easter - I need my sea air, I miss it!
Hopefully I should have better news later in the week - will keep you posted!
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
I must admit that the 150cm needle has made a huge difference to my attempt this time as I have managed to get this far without throwing the whole thing across the room.
Life is so hectic at the moment I am struggling to keep up with myself so apologies if my blog is a little behind again - will be back again soon!
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I made it from some 'Posh' lovely cashmere blend in a purple and blue using an NDS pattern, I am so stupid.
Anyway so 'Startitis' is calling it must be the sunshine - that and the fact that over on the stash basket blog they are having a sock a month along (pair that is) and the pattern is so pretty.
Here at the Sarah knits house it has been mostly crochet since January and I have been loving it - although far too much startitis. I now have another crochet scarf for Lottie and an English Country Garden CAL project (undecided as to the final item yet).
Over half term I managed to get to a small 'local' Aberkahn shop and pick up some DK yarn for my 2-at-a-time small socks and have cast them on although progress is quite slow as the crochet got in the way. I have also just got the extra long 2.5mm needle so I can try the regular socks as 2-at-a-time. Hmm too many projects again but the Grand Prix season is upon us so until it warms up enough to really get going on the garden I will need to occupy myself a bit at the weekends (yippee). Must go and put some more washing on now! More soon.......
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
More Beads!
I have lots of each colour so plenty for lots of shawls! Each box contains 10g of a colour.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Swaps and stuff!
Now back to beading - Claire I would love some banana silk sounds fab what weight of it do you have? and what sort of beads would you like in return? Currently in my stock I have size 11's, size 8's and size 6's plus toho and miyuki triangles in size 10's. I also have large and small drop beads, long bugles and size 15's (teeny tiny beads). I have a large range of colours in most of the above and will post pics once I know what you are interested in. I am happy to swap beads with anyone else who fancies some - I wondered if weight for weight would be OK so 100g say for 100g (any combination of beads and colours). Let me know what you think?
Barbara asked about beading books - my favourite book is 'The Art & Elegance of Beadweaving' by Carol Wilcox Wells but there are newer and better books out there that explain things better. One thing that I have found is that Americans describe things differently to us and it can be confusing (I had 2 American ladies in my classes a while back and it took me a ages to work out how to explain things 'their way' ).
I have as a swap item a copy of The Beaders Bible by Claire Crouchley - it has been on my shelf for a while but is in good condition - it has good instuctions on Peyote, brick, and square stitches plus loom work and then lots of 'pictures' to bead - if anyone fancies this then please suggest a swap.
So that's it for today - am hoping to go with Lottie to get a prom dress later (will have to take the unfinished Tilia with me), they didn't do stuff like this when I went to school Bah humbug!
Thursday, 25 February 2010
I am still here - just!
All the same I have been thinking that we haven't done a lot of swapping lately and as I have a ton of stuff that I don't need anymore perhaps we could do something soon. My idea is this - I have so many beads how about I offer up some as a package (I will put up a picture on the blog) and if it interests you then offer me something from your stash. Let me know what you think or suggest something else we could do (perhaps an Easter type swap box thingy). Your thoughts please girls?
Friday, 12 February 2010
So pretty!
Am off back to the sofa now to finish feeling sorry for myself, not even managing to go away next week as Dave's car is still not fixed (grumble, grumble). Happy knitting, will be back to my more cheery self again soon!
Monday, 1 February 2010
Look what I made!
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Year of the crochet!
So this then prompted me to pick the lula scarf back up again and I have nearly finished it (again I am still quite slow), plus I have about 6 projects on the go as well. So bad girl that I am I signed up for the January motif club, which arrived yesterday, and also I purchased the Elizabeth cowl pattern and some yarn to go with it which also arrived yesterday - had to have a go at that straight away - it would seem that I am 'hooked' on crochet currently! Something has to keep me sane as we are still without wheels, mine should be arriving at the weekend but the news on Dave's is not good at the moment (we still may not be able to go away at half term). I even had to borrow my Mum's car last weekend so that I could refill the freezer and larder. At least I won't have to carry stuff from the Co-op this week! Hopefully I will be able to show you pics of my new little run around very soon (no soft top though Allison sorry to be a disappointment).
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Bye bye car!
Friday, 15 January 2010
Long, long ago!
I managed to find a well worn tonks to borrow for the picture.
Also I have rediscovered a pair of gloves I made for me from 'Harry and Ron' but one of them still has ends to sew in, that is one of the reasons I don't make many gloves but the glittens churn out like vanilla socks.
I have also got a pair of monkey socks on the needles in the 'Harry Potter' colourway but they have been put down since I started to do the Christmas knitting.
I was counting up the pairs of socks that I do have on the needles at the moment and it totals 5 pairs so I think a spot of finishing off is called for - I did cast off one of my 'circle socks' last night but I now have to cast on for the other one.... hmm. I also have a large number of other projects that need attention so for now I am going to try a spot of finishitis and see how far I get. Will keep you posted on that!
Friday, 8 January 2010
Frozen up!
On another note apologies to my Secret Santa as I forgot to mention the lovely box of candles that were also in my parcel (I put them safe but have now found them again!).
I hope all is well with everyone and you are keeping safe and warm in this frosty weather. Lottie managed to get Wednesday off as a snow day but has been at school for the rest of the time. I have had no excuse not to go to work as I am near enough to walk anyway - sometimes that is a downside!
Friday, 1 January 2010
Christmas has come, been and gone!
Firstly though I need to show you the lovelies that arrived in my Secret Santa box
The other goodies were a fabulous teddy bear, a beautiful bead bookmark (already in use as you can see), a pretty snowman box filled with lovely chocs (all gone now), a lovely tea canister (filled with tea), a wonderful smelling bag full of lovely spices to make mulled wine (just what we need to chase away the cold) and a calligraphy set which has been bagged by Lottie already!
Thank you secret Santa Claire! I hope that the move went well and you catch up with us all again soon.
As for the mayhem well I have manged to pull the muscle in my leg playing on 'just dance' for the wii on Christmas day - you have to try these things don't you? I then went on to make it worse whilst walking with the dog.
You may recall that we were waiting for the car to come home so we could go away for New Year but that didn't happen due to parts not arriving in time and then the garage making a mistake whilst putting it back together so now we are still waiting for more parts to arrive and then it can go to be MOT'd. To make matters worse the cam belt on my car snapped whilst I was taking Lottie off to her boyfriends house and we had to be recovered (3 1/2 hours later), fortunately we were only 10 minutes walk from home so all was not lost. It does however mean that I will need a new car VERY soon..... off for a test drive tomorrow!
I just wanted to share this picture with you considering all we have been through this last year with our 'baby'.
Ted enjoying his special present from 'Auntie Allison'!So with all of that I think you are just about caught up with our goings on and I hope to be back on track again very soon. With all good wishes for the new year, Sarah.