Monday, 4 October 2010

Socktober Fest!

Firstly I think I need to clear up a little 'myth' that seems to have developed - I do not get any extra time time in bed just because I am not going out to work! I still get up at 7am as I have a daughter to get up and a dog whose legs are crossed and who thinks his throat is cut (he is a Labrador)!

That said I have a mountain of work to catch up on - starting with the freezer to defrost (am supposed to be doing it right now)!

I did however decide to take part in socktober fest this year as it looks like fun - I have sock 1 top done and am casting on sock 2 later on. Also I figured it may help me finish off a few other pairs that have been hanging around for a while. I started the first sock on dpn's but will cast the other on the circ - I am hoping that I will be able to put them both together once the tops are done.

Before I dash off to mop up 'the big thaw' please don't assume I am sitting here just knitting away whilst you guys all work hard - I have already made countless mugs of tea for 'him indoors' and it will continue all afternoon as well, plus done piles of washing and tidying up. It is going to take forever to get straight and find homes for all of the stuff that has to exit the rooms needing work! Take heed - staying at home is not all fun you know!


busybusybeejay said...

Do you try different patterns for your socks or do you stick to a firm favourite?
Hope you got your jobs done to leave plenty of knitting time or do you feel guilty doing it during the day?I do!

Anonymous said...

What! Not even 10 minutes? How disappointing! Darned greedy dogs, how inconsiderate are they? I like the idea of Socktober Fest. Did you ever finish those Mermaid socks? I have one neatly packed away and no enthusiasm for the other one .... single sock syndrome is a curse .....