Saturday, 31 December 2011
Happy New Year!
Tonight I will not be staying up until midnight, I am sad to say, as I will still need to get up at 2am and 6am starts my day still - so I will be tucked up in bed and fast asleep but I wish you all a fantastic time whatever you are up to and hope that the New Year brings Peace and Happiness for you all.
Lots of love, Sarah, Ted and the rest of the mad house xxxx
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Secret Santa
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and joyous New Year. Much love, Sarah xxx
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Still plodding along!
I can now show you some pics of my mystery shawl which now has the name Cornish Rhapsody
I am also knitting my first paid for garment which will be the sample for the yarn company pattern (so I believe) and is by the same designer as the above shawl but is a much simpler pattern for a shrug. In all honesty I loved the shawl better even though it was a lot more knitting and much thinner yarn. Sadly I won't be able to show you my knitting of this one until the pattern is released next year.
That is all I have for now - told you I didn't have much to shout about at the moment. Ted is still here in case you thought that was the reason for my quietness and yes he is plodding along in his own sweet way. At least we can all look forward to the Secret Santa swap soon and that will guarantee blog posts from us all!
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
New shelf.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Pink and sparkly.
Also I can spill the beans that our Yarn dyeing friend has been having a go at some fluff for spinning and she sent me some pink sparkly to have a go with!
It is, as always, a fab colour and really lovely to spin. I am hoping that I am spinning fine enough to get a little lace shawl but will keep you posted.
Finally here is a rather rubbish picture of the firmaments shawl - I have too many stitches on the needle to stretch it out but I am sure you can get the gist of it? The little blue bits are where Dee has marked the start of the rounds and I wanted to leave them in until the end.
That all I have this week but hopefully I will have more to show you once my mystery sparkles is off the needles. Take care of yourselves this week, Sxx
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Payback time.
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Spinning adventure!
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Today I went out!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Happy Birthday Ted & Della!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011
Into Orbit!
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Iffy Squiffy
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Finally finished!
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Oops I did it again!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Life in baby steps.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Grumpy day!
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Daisy daisy!
Friday, 24 June 2011
Ho hum!
Friday, 17 June 2011
Blooming shawls!
Monday, 13 June 2011
Testing testing
Friday, 3 June 2011
Quiet here!
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Blocking along!
The sheen on this yarn is amazing and I love the colours so much, thank you Allison for dyeing the best yarn ever! I loved this KAL and really enjoyed it, the only issues with the pattern were when I was too stressed to concentrate properly (it was always billed as an advanced intermediate knit) and I found that in a couple of places you really needed to be on the ball to get it right so for me it was user error and nothing more. I will probably knit another of these at some point but I have a few things to finish first.
So whilst the blocking bug is still around I also washed and blocked my Amore shawl that I finished ages ago this is a 'Posh' yarn and the pattern was really easy and simple to do - the shawl has already been well worn over the winter by both Lottie and me (I have another on the needles for 'us' as well) and we love it.
This has been a strange week here as it has been AS level exams this week with 1 more after half term - lots of 'to and froing' and a bit of stressing. I have been knitting away on my 'Royal Wedding shawl' and am now half way across. More on that one soon...... Sxx
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Turned into and odd week!
Tuesday morning was weigh in day and hoorah I lost 3 1/2lbs bringing me to a total of 5lbs in 2 weeks - I still have a long way to go but at least it is going!
Todays nightmare is having my kitchen units repainted they looked like this
Poor Ted and I are shut up in the lounge while the painting and banging goes on in the kitchen - there isn't supposed to be banging so I am not sure what they are doing! Anyway I have printed out the final clue for spriteling and I am about to get going so will be off now, must see if anyone needs a drink first though or I will forget once I get knitting!
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Odd day!
It started out with a trip to Stoke on Trent and a weigh in at Rosemary Conley (lost 1 1/2lbs) then I had a sneaky trip to Emma Bridgewater where I purchased 2 mugs (in Easter designs)and a union Jack jug (to go with my tea pot), followed by a quick trip into Tesco for a few bits. Once I was home we had a quick 300 cal lunch and then Dave went back to his office and here I am sat at my laptop feeling - I am not sure what!
I have been taking some pictures of my kitchen as there is a problem with the knots coming through the paintwork and found this picture from xmas I thought you might like:
This is Ted with a couple of his presents. The bone did not last for more than a few minutes though!
Sadly I need to retake the kitchen pics as the knots just look like my kitchen needs a good clean - this is why I hate them showing thought the paint as the doors look like I have just not cleaned them (which in this instance is not true). Am off to try again now - hopefully I will be able to show you what I mean!
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Catching up with myself!
So here we are and it is Thursday already! Before we went away I managed to block my Pi shawl but couldn't get a picture so finally here it is.......
Also before we went away I was almost finished with clue 2 of the Spriteling shawl but managed to make a mistake whilst sitting waiting with Lottie to get picked up (note to self do NOT knit complicated patterns whilst in an emotional place). At that point I was then against the clock as we had changed our plans and decided to leave home on the same day. Chaos ensued until the car was packed and we had set off. I left the spriteling behind as I wanted to get going on my Royal wedding shawl. I managed to also get my 'car knitting' to the point where it is no longer car knitting whilst we were on the way - I need to find another plain pattern to work on to replace it!
Whilst we were away I made ok progress on the Royal wedding shawl and I managed to complete all of the repeats of the first chart (more on this project soon). I was slowed down by the arrival of the visitors as much of my time seems to pass feeding them and making tea - does everyone else have this problem?
Once we were home again I fixed my mistake on the Spriteling and managed to catch myself up with clue 3 - the only issue I had with this was the last 4 rows trying to place the extra markers and working from the written instructions and not the chart (how did I cope before charts)!
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Mystery shawl
I have to admit this is quite a challenge until you get going and 'into' the pattern and I have used both the chart and instructions to get going. I haven't quite finished the first clue yet as I was struck down by this horrid bug going around and was too ill to knit anything - I am hardly ever too ill to pick up the needles for something!
I did however manage to cast off my Pi shawl yesterday - pics to follow once it is blocked. The yarn was amazing to work with and I shall be casting on more of this soft and fluffy yummyness once I decide what to make. I have loved this Pi shawl even though it was a bit of an experiment - I added a hearts pattern from another Pi shawl I had seen but had a section of plain knitting in there as well (it would have been better with more hearts). Am off to wind my Royal wedding yarn now as I want to get that started soon as well!
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
I am using a 4mm needle for this because even though the pattern said 4.5mm I thought that the fabric was a bit too sloppy when I did the swatch. The smaller needle makes the stiches a little smaller and gives it a better drape rather than just floppy. I think that it is because the yarn has silk in it and is a little less 'fluffy' than an all wool yarn. I must add here that I do not normally swatch (I know I should) but I was so excited to try out the swatch pattern that I gave it a go and am glad I did because not only did I switch yarns I also corrected the needle size to give a better fabric - something I would not have done otherwise! I am sure there is a lesson to learn here but I have my hands over my ears and I am humming a tune!
Right now I am off to find some dispirable aspirin to gargle with as my throat feels like the lining has been stripped out - hope I can catch it before worse things come out!
Monday, 28 March 2011
Show time!
As you can see I have an extreme crochet hook to go with the extreme knitting needles I bought the last time I was let out, some shawl pins, a fabulous skein of silk lace weight yarn and a dinky little silk spindle - there are a few other bits of threads and fabrics as well that I bought but they aren't as exciting to look at. It would seem that I have developed a bit of a thing for silk at the moment - before half term I bought some silk hankies for knitting with (a la yarn harlot) but was not sure I was sold on it once I got going. Whilst I was at the show I was looking at the stall of Rachel Powell as she had an Ashford traveller there and I was talking to her mum who was a beginning drop spindler - there was a jug of the prettiest spindles on the table and whilst we were having a drink I said to Sylvia that I really loved the little silk spindle with the unusual markings. Now being an enabler she said to me well we can go back and have another look so we did and it was just waiting for me to buy it! Needless to say I have been spinning the silk hankies instead and it is coming out so fine and pretty. All I need to do is to work out how to dye it and bingo! The end of this week is the start of the spriteling KAL and I can't wait to begin, my second swatch is almost finished and I need to wind the skein as well. Last week seemed to be a bit busy what with the show excitement and the new patio being laid, all it needs now is the grouting and I can show you as it is all covered up at the moment. More soon .......
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Lots to share!
Now in order to be ready for the spriteling KAL Allison did me a custom dye in her yummy new alpaca and silk lace yarn so it was with some disappointment we received the swatching instructions saying sock weight yarn. I had a rummage in my stash and found some pretty sock weight that I bought way back but was again disappointed once I had swatched it - the pattern is just lost, back to the drawing board again.
How pretty is my custom dyed yarn though - it needs a pattern now to do it the justice it deserves.
Thursday was Embroiderers' Guild and we had a visit from Maggie Grey - she was an amazing speaker and I felt very inspired by her talk. Am off to the NEC next Thursday to the stitching show (there will be knitting as well) so that should be fun.
Today I have been to collect sheets of acrylic for Lotties' design project (and they did fit into my tiny car), I then delivered them to college so that she could start making it today - phew that's it for this week I think...... more soon!
Have a great weekend girls, Sx
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Wheely good fun!
Friday, 4 March 2011
Lamb Cam
I haven't yet seen any born but they are fascinating to watch especially the lambs in the next pen - they climb all over the little ramp thing they have. Just wanted to share this with you all!
I am off to see my beading ladies this morning so that should be fun! Back soon Sx
Monday, 28 February 2011
Long journey home!
My Pi shawl is mainly plain although I have added a band of lace hearts and will add another once the next set of increases is complete - it is not complicated and is as 'EZ' suggests very easy holiday knitting - I can do this one without looking whilst I am on the plain rounds. It is made from some very soft 'Angora lace' - I love this yarn and am hoping Allison will dye some pink yarn for me?
Today was a bit odd as Dave is away for a couple of days at a show in London and true to form I have wound more yarn and cast on another project (I seem to do that when he goes away). I am doing another 'Amore' shawl, this time for Lottie as she took to wearing mine!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day for pictures so more then! Night night, Sx
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Norfolk Knitting!
We did however have a lovely visit to the new yarn shop in Holt where I bought some extra knit picks needles and a longer cable (promptly swapping the shorter one on the Pi shawl) plus a pattern book for a Debbie Bliss jacket that Lottie would like. I didn't actually buy any yarn (please sit down) although there was some lovely NDS BFL (my favourite) and Fyberspates yarns and I did look at the pretty Noro lace weight but I managed to resist for now! The lady who owns it is lovely and if you are ever in this part of the world then I recommend a visit.
That's all for now.... back home again soon, Sx
Friday, 18 February 2011
Friday Frazzle!
I have however finished both the bobble socks and the 'Polly Jean' socks this month but have found it hard to find another project to stick with! I have several more pairs of socks plus a couple of shawls but nothing that is grabbing my continuous attention. This is a bit of a problem as I can't decide what to take with me.....
Hopefully I will decide soon and let you know whilst I am away - who knows I might even manage a picture (fingers crossed).
I also had a surprise parcel of bamboo yarn this week and I have a couple of ideas kicking around but more on that once half term is over. All I can say is it is wonderful to have such a generous friend even if she does lead me astray when it comes to joining things.
Happy half term girls!
Monday, 7 February 2011
1, 2, 3, Bobble!
Also hindering the bobble process was a rather sick and grumpy Dave, he is off to the Docs today for antibiotics as there is no other solution left for the vile tonsillitis!
I really like these cotton socks and have put them aside for long enough - it turns out they were cast on in October 2009 but put aside for other things! I will finish them very soon, I need to finish them to save my sanity. Thank fully I have finished the bobble part and just need to finish the rib and do the heel...... maybe tonight.
Also will someone please do me a huge favour and buy some of the lovely new yarn Allison has just put in her shop as it is taking all of my will power not to go and buy it - especially as I will be needing new sock projects very soon!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Mitten Madness!
I am currently finishing the bobble socks that have been on the needles for well over a year now, the bobbles are fun but a little slow so as an in between I have cast on a Pi shawl using some angora lace weight (my latest purchase from it is an amazing yarn - so soft and warm and I can't wait to have enough knitted to show you how pretty it is!
I am hopeful that the socks will be finished this week so that I can pick up another pair and get some momentum on the 'Finish it Feb' goal but I am worried that I may get distracted as I have just found another pair of socks that I really want to cast on and also the Pi shawl is very inviting as well - must concentrate on finishing socks!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Routine in our household means that dinner is served quite late (not by my choice) and so I often have an hour before I have to go and start pan bashing. There is sometimes an opportunity to sit down mid way through for a few minutes and I know when there has been socks on the go that they would often have a couple of rounds added at this point but it would seem that if there is anything that needs a bit more attention then this time is not used productively. Conclusion to be drawn from January is that I need both a patterned item and a 'no brainer' on the go at all times. Hey I think that means that the monogamy may be over ..........
PS If you haven't had a look at Allison's online yarn shop then please do - there are some yummy yarns to be had and although I love to have my pick of them I am also happy to share the yarn love and let you top up your stash - there is plenty to go around!
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Whizzing by!
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Happy New Year!
Thank you Barbara for a lovely surprise box and thank you all for taking part again this year. I have enjoyed being a part of your lives for the last few years and look forward to the promise that this year holds. We have all had some rough times and some happy ones as well and it means such a lot to be able to share it all.
I wish you all a peaceful and prosperous 2011 and will be back again soon once I have a little more order here Cheshire - how does unpacking make so much mess? Sxx