There have been a couple of questions for me to answer from the blog so I will start with those - firstly yes hands up I do have a Smart Car (a bit like marmite!) and I really love it - it does indeed have a personalised number plate which was swapped over from the blue car that died - a gift from the past that I did not want to part with. Secondly silk hankies ( not the nose blowing variety ) are made from the fibres of degummed silk cocoons that have been laid out on a square frame and there are many layers in one hanky which you can peel off and spin separately (there are a few how to's on utube if you have a look). It is like spinning a cloud, they are so soft and light, hence the tiny spindle to do it on. Because you need to prepare the fibre so that it is a 'thin roving' before spinning it seems quite quick to spin up but I am not sure how long it will take for me to spin enough for a shawl (will keep you posted on that). The lovely shawl pins were from the 'Ingrid De Vane' stall at the NEC but I know she does lots of other shows so keep an eye out for her - they were on offer if you bought 3! Knitting progress: The Pi shawl is mid way through the last heart repeat and so I am hopeful to finish it soon and show you. I also cast on for the Spriteling shawl KAL over the weekend, the chart I printed out on draft and I may have to reprint it as it is quite complicated so I have been working from the written directions but I am at the point where it would be easier to use the chart. I have to say that this is quite different to other shawls I have done and is coming out nicely using some very pretty 'sugar hippo' yarn........ see what I mean?
I am using a 4mm needle for this because even though the pattern said 4.5mm I thought that the fabric was a bit too sloppy when I did the swatch. The smaller needle makes the stiches a little smaller and gives it a better drape rather than just floppy. I think that it is because the yarn has silk in it and is a little less 'fluffy' than an all wool yarn. I must add here that I do not normally swatch (I know I should) but I was so excited to try out the swatch pattern that I gave it a go and am glad I did because not only did I switch yarns I also corrected the needle size to give a better fabric - something I would not have done otherwise! I am sure there is a lesson to learn here but I have my hands over my ears and I am humming a tune!
Right now I am off to find some dispirable aspirin to gargle with as my throat feels like the lining has been stripped out - hope I can catch it before worse things come out!
Ooh! That looks lovely, which colourway was that? I have cast mine on too, frogged it 3 times and finally got the crochet cast on right and it's looking lovely. Will post soon - it is quite a boring navy colour but the yarn has cashmere in and is sooo soft. I too am using 4mm!
Love it, love it, love it - I'm definitely going to try to join this KAL - whatever my other half says about me taking too much on :)
Thanks for clearing up about the silk hankies - I'll have to look into these.
I like the look of that shawl.Hope your throat is better.
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