Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Finally finished!

So here we have it I have finally finished my snawheid hat and my Southwold in the snow shawl! I have loved knitting both of these as they are both such lovely woolly yarns and they smell all sheepy. The hat I managed to get finished before we went away for the weekend but the shawl came with me as I was in the middle of the picot cast off, it seemed to take forever with that cast on 2 and then cast off 4 but the effect is really pretty. Thankfully I also took my baby cardigan with me too so I still had something to work on once that was finished and I have blocked them both now we are home again.

I meant to show you these earlier but somehow life got a bit busy again and I have been chasing my tail to catch up with myself, I hope to be back here again soon!

1 comment:

busybusybeejay said...

They are amazing!Such skill.2669529