Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Finally I have a new laptop and I can get on-line to blog easily again (I hope). I tried to have a go from my ipad but I couldn't get pictures up and what use is a blog without pictures? So here I am tinkering around and hoping I can get things to work how they should as there has been much crocheting going on quietly here in the background. The zodiac blanket has been my main focus this year and although the monthly parts have not been too onerous this year I have fallen a little behind as life with Lou can sometimes be a bit all consuming!

I thought I would test my new technology out with a quick picture of Bertie - here he is today sitting on the bed posing for a picture, he does love having his picture taken!

I hope to be back again very soon with more pictures and progress to share.


Claire said...

Great to see you back blogging again Sarah.

busybusybeejay said...

great to see you back.I havn'T blogged for ages because I couldn't find a quick way of uploading photos.How have you done it?