Saturday, 8 August 2009

Strange week!

This week has gone by in a flash and so by Friday I have actually completed some of the Monday to do list! You know the ones:
MOT car (it failed - garage can't get part so won't be back until Monday!)
Book 'him indoors' car in for service and air con repair so we can go on holiday and not boil!
Take dog to vets for booster injections and worming tablets - they weighed him while we were there and checked him over - he has a clean bill of health! woohoo!
Sort out car insurance - this one rolled over to next weeks to do list!

Not much knitting has actually been done in between these items as I have also been and bought Lottie's school uniform for next year and some bits for her birthday plus I needed to go to Chester and get a walking foot for my sewing machine (can now finish the blinds when we go away) and several trips to the station and I even managed to do a bit of tidying up so am off to put in a few rows of Tilia now as it is 7.45am and no one else is awake yet (apart from the dog who has just had breakfast).

1 comment:

Claire said...

Glad to hear that the dog has made a full recovery now.

I've been wondering how to sew elastic into a skirt by machine, and I think you've given me the idea - the walking foot. That is probably the best way of doing it without ending up with big bunches of stitched fabric when the elastic pings.