I look at the blog site everyday and I notice that you are all missing - what are you all up to that you haven't put posts up in ages?
I have been putting more bobbles on the 'Ibble Obble' socks and have only got 1 more round of bobbles to do, then it will be rib and heel time - these are sounding more and more edible by the day!
I am guessing that the box could be arriving with me sometime in the near future as I think I must be nearly the last on the list this time so I am quite excited!
Him indoors has had 3 phone interviews (with the same company) in the last couple of weeks so hopefully he should be gainfully employed again soon. Not before we spend halfterm in Norfolk though - how I am missing my favourite seaside place and can't wait to get back and walk along the beach, although I suspect it will need hats wellies and coats this time around. What fun!
I'll blog tonight to keep you happy! Trouble is, nothing eventful is happening at the moment!
I have just blogged but got the spacing horribly wrong.Oops!!
Great to read yours.
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