Tuesday, 16 March 2010


I have not got that far with the xmas 2 at a time socks as I put them down to work on the Polly jean socks for the sock along. You can already see the mistake in the pattern (oops)!

These seem to be coming along nicely but fairly steadily - although considering they are both being knitted at the same time I suppose it could be quicker than normal (I have only been doing then a week) plus I am still getting to grips with working 2 at once.

I must admit that the 150cm needle has made a huge difference to my attempt this time as I have managed to get this far without throwing the whole thing across the room.

Life is so hectic at the moment I am struggling to keep up with myself so apologies if my blog is a little behind again - will be back again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh that's a big needle! I've been doing mine on 80cm! I must admit though, they do seem to be a bit close together sometimes and the yarn gets tangly. Love the pink socks - I'm not sure 2-at-a-time is quicker but it certainly is satisfying when you finish both at once! Also, have made some items with those lovely beads you sent me so watch my blog for pics soon.